Monday, July 11, 2022

DeKalb's Comprehensive Land Use Plan needs additional review and input

Commissioner Jeff Rader requested that we distribute his message below, to share his concerns about the DeKalb County Comprehensive Land Use Plan which, in his opinion, requires more review before it is approved. See the relevant files and his concerns below

DeKalb County Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2050

Comprehensive Land Use Plan Resolution

Agenda Items (July 12)

"This document should get a lot of review and comment from the public, particularly our ITP neighborhoods represented by CAN.

The most notable section is the creation of a new extensive “Walkable Neighborhood” Character Area which, if you review the map on p 42, encompasses much of D2, D3 and D4.  To me, it is problematic because it suggests disrupting current stable patterns of development with the introduction of more mixed use and higher density housing without a strong foundation of infrastructure, including street grid, bike/pedestrian , and public amenities necessary to support the evolution they prescribe for the Character Area. 

Note also the zoning table, which eliminates R-100 as a compatible zoning classification and suggests new uses more extensively distributed throughout the new “Walkable Neighborhood” areas.

As you know, our stakeholders intensively negotiate new urban development serving our neighborhoods to insure the density, diversity of use and development design actually perform as advertised.  In my opinion, this site based focus would be diluted under the new Character Area, and we would be faced with a lot of new proposals that better match a builder’s proforma rather than the community’s needs.  I believe that diffusing development through our neighborhoods would also reduce the market imperative to plan and execute truly urban projects replacing obsolete commercial districts as was accomplished at North DeKalb Mall.

In any event, stakeholders need to dissect this draft and weigh in before it goes to DCA.  Once approved by them, there will be resistance to further amendment.

I hope you can get this out and alert our neighbors that they should speak up at the public hearing on July 12 and ask for more review.

I’ve attached the plan, and will follow with the public hearing agenda item and other supporting documentation for circulation to CAN and others.  Let me know if you have questions."


Jeff Rader

Commissioner, District 2

DeKalb County