Friday, May 27, 2011

Cell Tower Update: It's Showtime

Dekalb County School System has posted the full scope of their cell tower plan, see

For Medlock Elementary, you will see they list two potential sites. MANA contacted Mr. Steve Donahue at Plant Managemnet (DCSS), who said the original proposal included 2 suggested sites but they are considering one only. Communications between the MANA zoning chair Teresa Same and a T-Mobile representative reveal that the the actual location of the tower has not been decided upon, and may not be limited to the 2 sites listed. Also, that T-Mobile will be pursuing this location regardless of how neighbors may feel about it. But remember: T-Mobile can't do anything without the DCSS Board's buy-in and blessing.

DCSS has posted its board meeting schedule at, but gives no clues as to whether the cell tower issue is on their next meeting agenda.  This week, Mr. McChesney (DCSS Board member) responded to MANA inquiries with the following information:
  • that the meeting agenda is determined by the chair, vice chair and superintendent
  • that he does not yet know what the agenda is
  • that people should email the Board of Education "to let their feelings be known."
Sounds like an...
! ! ! ACTION ALERT ! ! !
Not what William Shakespeare had in mind when he wrote
"O for a horse with wings!"
Call or email the DCSS Board and Interim Superintendent Tyson and let them know how you feel about cell towers in school yards, Medlock Elementary in particular
Ask that they

  1. post the meeting agenda (or at least indicate when cell tower decisions will be discussed), and 
  2. remove Medlock Elementary from their potential site list, or at the very least stop considering Medlock until the county's 10-year plan is revealed in August.
Please use your own words and arguments. A brief and sincere note in your own voice is better than a form letter.

Detailed contact information appears below. Here's their emails for cut/paste convenience...

 CELL TOWER DECIDERS: DCSS Board (left) and Interim Superintendent (right)
Wonder if THEY have cell towers in their backyards and at their children's schools?
Ramona Tyson
Interim Superintendent

Thomas E. Bowen
Chair; District 6

H. Paul Womack Jr
Vice Chair; District 4

Sarah Copelin-Wood
Board Member

Jesse Jay Cunningham Jr.
Board Member; District 5

Donna G Edler
Board Member

Nancy T. Jester
Board Member; District 1

Donald E. McChesney
Board Member; District 2

Pamela A. Speaks
Board Member; District 8

Eugene P. Walker
Board Member