Saturday, May 21, 2011

MANA Watch May 16 Meeting Recap

from the MANA Board...

On Monday night, a group of approximately 75 people met with the MANA Watch committee chairs to discuss issues of public safety and how to prevent crime. Major Lionel Higdon, Precinct Chief of DeKalb County, came to speak to our group. He was very impressed by the number of attendees and congratulated us on our organization and volunteerism. A primary topic that started the evening was DASH restaurant on Lawrenceville Highway.
Many neighbors have complained about it to the police because of late night loud noise and suspicious behavior around the site.

Major Higdon assured us he is aware of the problems there and that they have been cited for violations. Members of the MANA board are following the actions of the restaurant closely to see how the citations are resolved and if they are in compliance with zoning laws. We will continue our efforts to inform the county and MANA members of what we learn and actions we will take on the neighborhood’s behalf.