Sunday, August 14, 2011

South Peachtree Creek Trail -- Phase II construction

As you know, PATH and Dekalb County have been developing a combination of paths and boardwalks to connect Medlock Park to Mason Mill Park. Per a trail alert in PATH's website :
PATH crews are building the trail connection between the existing trail and the new bridge over CSX. Meanwhile DeKalb County’s contractor hired to restore the water works site has begun work adjacent to the new trail. Their work will continue for 6-8 months which may delay construction of the trail from the bridge to the tennis center parking area. Use EXTREME CAUTION traversing the dual construction sites. The new trail extension  is NOT open at this time. 
Tim (CHCA) has an even better update (yes, with photos).

And here's a view of the Medlock Community Garden, from the PATH at the corner of Willivee and Scott.