Saturday, February 18, 2012

LCI proposal rejected

MANA was sad to hear that the Livable Center Initiative grant application spearheaded by Kathie Gannon [DeKalb Co. District 6 Commissioner] and her staff was rejected last week. As explained by Davis Fox, who serves as Policy and Projects Manager,
The grant would have paid a for a transportation and land use plan in an area that ran from Medlock to Shamrock Plaza along US 29 and along North Decatur Road from Medlock to the Kroger shopping center on DeKalb Industrial. Church Street from Medlock to Scott Boulevard would have also been included. The plan would also have proposed an economic development strategy and sustainable design guidelines for future development. We envision mixed-use development with bicycle trails and light rail stops.
We were able to raise a significant financial match from DeKalb Medical, Selig, Patel Brothers, AS Turner, City of Decatur and DeKalb County Development Authority. Based on the level of business community support, we are now looking at another approach and are trying to see if we can raise sufficient funds to conduct the study. If we do proceed with the study, we will form a non-profit organization to raise funds and guide the process. In all likelihood nearby neighborhood organizations will be on the board of directors.
Team Gannon is working on a Plan B and will follow up on this initiative in the coming year.

As explained by the Atlanta Regional Commission,
The Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) is a program that awards planning grants on a competitive basis to local governments and nonprofit organizations to prepare plans for the enhancement of existing centers and corridors consistent with regional development policies.