Friday, July 13, 2012

ICS Volunteer Days [Aug. 4 and 11]

from the  International Community School...

We have been busy planning a few volunteer workdays on the Medlock grounds in anticipation for the school's opening.

Saturday, August 4th and Saturday, August 11th we plan to work primarily on the garden as it needs another round of weeding as well as other projects beautifying the school grounds. (we would like to have two shifts on each day. shifts will be from 8-12 and from 12-4). Water will be provided.

Please keep in mind we will not be able to provide child are, so these events are targeted for children 13 and older and adults.

Please email the volunteer coordinator, Laura Grundy at to get your name on the info list.

If you have already expressed your interest to volunteer and have spoken with Laura, your name is already on the contact list.

Thank you!