Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Decatur mayor on annexation

Ralph Ellis at Patch has part I of an interview where newly elected Decatur Mayor Jim Baskett  comments on the City's annexation prospects. In his analysis, annexation is "one way to postpone the worst of the crisis" and protect City of Decatur schools from losing quality due to ever-growing demand (from parents who want access to Decatur schools to escape the DeKalb County School System). As to securing support for annexation from the legislature, he has found no "expression of enthusiasm" from the legislature or the County.

With candor and humor, Mr. Baskett also states his desire to build a better relationship with DeKalb County. This is most encouraging.
"I’m kind of working from a clean slate. They don’t know me well enough ... to have a really bad opinion of me. So maybe we can start to build on some relationships that I do have and work toward some better outcomes and get our relationship better with the county. That would be important."  ... Continue reading @ Patch
To build upon the Mayor's paraphrasing of John Donne, we are not islands. DeKalb County's problems will not be solved through isolationism but rather by building relationships, showing leadership, and striving for transparency and equitable solutions.

Congratulations, and best of luck to Mayor Baskett.

ADDENDUM:  Part II of the interview is now available at Decatur Patch.