Friday, April 4, 2014

Door to door sales: what's legal in DeKalb Co.?

via the MANA Neighborhood Watch Coordinator:
DeKalb Co. has one of the strictest ordinances for door-to-door sales and solicitations. 
Per, "Chapter 15 Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations" / "Article VII. Peddlers, Door-to-Door Sales and Similar Occupations  
Permits are issued through the DeKalb Police Department and must be visible on the sales person.  
The official permit includes the following: 
• Permit number at the top
• The words "Door to Door Sales"
• Sales person's picture is on the left
• Sales person's name and company name
• Date issued and expiration date
• DeKalb Police Chief Bolton's name and signature
• DeKalb County seal is in background 
DeKalb Police advises residents to immediately call 911 and report any suspicious activity. Provide as much about the individual(s) as you can remember (clothing, hair color, tag numbers, company name, etc.).