Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Medline LCI slides from June 5 community meeting AND report draft

That's the spirit! Pedal power at the Medline LCI meeting.
The Medline LCI community meeting last June 5 had a great turnout (around 100) and covered the history of the Atlanta Regional Commission and its Livable Centers Initiative. The Medline LCI is centered around DeKalb Medical Center and as such, stands to impact our area because its recommendations will help shape future development by establishing priorities and best practices. As noted in the presentations, LCIs strive to create accessible environments that include residential and commercial property, employment sites, and a high level of access for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. Photos of the meeting are available here and presentation slides appear below.

The Medline LCI process is not over: the changes it recommends span 25 years into the future, and we can expect that there will be many more opportunities to review this LCI's vision and test how well recommendations work. The Medline LCI team is in the process of finalizing the project report. Their draft (and information on how to submit comments) can be found at [direct link to the report:]. Comments will be accepted through July 7, 2014.

Addendum: The Medlock Area Neighborhood Association, Clairmont Heights Civic Association and Good Growth DeKalb submitted comments and concerns about the plan on July, 2014; see that post here.