Friday, May 27, 2022

North DeKalb Mall redevelopment approved

The DeKalb County Board of Commissioners approved the redevelopment of North DeKalb Mall on May 26, 2022, with conditions (pdf).

At this time, we would like to share the documents below, with an additional write-up to be added in the near future. UPDATE:  A summary by Theresa Same is now available on page 12 of the Summer 2022 MANA newsletter.

Happy Memorial Day weekend, Medlockians!


Exhibit A: Master Development Plan -- a graphic depiction of the development's footprint and location of structures, roads, sidewalks, etc.

Exhibit B: Master Sign Program -- describes the type of signage that site tenants must observe

Exhibit C: Architectural Standards -- representative architectural style and material examples for office, retail and residential structures

Exhibit D: Open Space -- close-up detail of open spaces

Exhibit E: Concept Subdivision Plan -- depicts anticipate ultimate layout of site lots

Exhibit F: Sustainability Program -- outlines how redevelopment improves on existing conditions, retailer/tenant sustainability expectations, and stormwater management