Monday, August 29, 2011

Emergency Preparedness [Sept. 10]

From MANA resident Jo Mitchell:

Announcing the upcoming 2nd Annual DeKalb Co. Preparedness Festival on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 10 AM – 3 PM. This year the festival will be located behind the First Baptist Church of Tucker at 5073 LaVista Road, Tucker. There will be food, music, children's activities, and displays by the professional and volunteer organizations who respond in a disaster. You’ll find information on fire safety, crime prevention, disaster preparedness, and pet and large animal crisis care. This festival is presented by DeKalb County CEO Burrell Ellis and the DeKalb Emergency Management Agency (DEMA). For more info:
Click on the image below for full-size flyer.

If you have questions for Jo, you may reach her at  404-633-7007.

CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is a program that trains citizens to assist in emergency response. Additional information on the program is available. MANA is encouraging its members to attend this activity and consider additional training. For example, emergency response plans could be coordinated through our Neighborhood Watch program.

More info on Dekalb Co. Emergency Management here --->This link includes additional information on the actual course as well as an application form.