Sunday, February 24, 2013

DeKalb Board of Education fights back with successful federal court appeal

Ty Tagami at the AJC reports that
"A federal judge has issued an order that temporarily prevents Gov. Nathan Deal from replacing the DeKalb County school board members who were recommended for suspension by a state panel."
Current GA law allows the governor to
"suspend and ultimately remove any local school board that is recommended for suspension by the state education board because of risk to the local school district’s accreditation. The law authorizes the state to act only in districts that have been placed on “probation” by an accreditation authority. Read the rest @ AJC 
Governor Deal, who announced a press conference for 11am monday, could still recommend the Board's suspension but is now hindered from actually removing them from office. The article warns that a similar scenario arose in Sumter county las november and three months later, the legal dustup continues.