Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Safety

Safety tips from America's favorite candy pushers!

Also see additional safety tips from Consumer Reports.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

ICS UN Day [Nov 1]

Click to enlarge.

Dear Medlock Neighbors,

The International Community School sends warm greetings and an invitation to celebrate with ICS for our annual UN Day. On this day, our students and staff dress in their native garb and showcase the beauty that is ICS- diversity. There will be a parade of Nations at 10:00 a.m down Medlock Rd. Followed by our UN Day presentations in the ICS cafetorium. The day will end with our Potluck Celebration of food and fellowship. We truly appreciate you welcoming us to the community and hope that you will join us for this memorable event.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Ernest: lost cat now found

Happy news: Ernest is back home!

Halloween @ North DeKalb Mall [Oct 26, 31]

Saturday, October 26
That Pottery Place will run all-day specials and also have candy and activities for children
October 31, 6-8 pmThis Halloween bring the little ones to North Dekalb Mall to Trick or Treat. Come to this safe and climate controlled environment for fun and be sure to bring your camera for a photo opportunity with North DeKalb Mall's own Broomhilda the Witch!  Look for the balloon that will mark participating stores. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kudos to DeKalb Police Department!

via Dekalb County Police - Center Precinct:
On October 24, 2013, North Central Morning Watch officers stopped two individuals suspected of being involved in thefts from vehicles in the N. Decatur Rd. and Medlock Rd. area. North Central detectives responded to the scene for further investigation. The suspects were found to be in possession of items suspected of being taken from vehicles in the area. Both suspects were arrested and lodged in the DeKalb Jail. Detectives continue to investigate. If you find your vehicle was broken into overnight, please contact the DeKalb Police to report the theft.
For more info, contact your Neighborhood Watch captain or join

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve Harvest Festival [Oct 26]

image via Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve @ Facebook
Our annual harvest festival is Saturday, October 26 from 4-7pm. Bring a picnic and join us. There will be recycled materials musical instrument-making and scarecrow building (bring your own old clothes- hat, shirt, pants, gloves and socks) from 4-6. A campfire and s’mores will start at 5. From 6-7, musician Terry Carpenter will accompany our hootenanny. A local girl scout troop will also be having a bake sale. We look forward to seeing you there!

ICS Fall Harvest Festival [Oct 25]

Friday, October 25th, from 5-7 p.m.
On the ICS Playground

Food and Fun for Friends and Family

ADMISSION: $5 per wristband/$20 for family of 4 or more
Forms for purchasing wristbands available in Front Office
Wristband admission includes playing all games and free popcorn.

CONCESSIONS: Hot dogs, Nachos, Pizza

GAMES: Ring toss,  Line dancing,  Limbo,  Obstacle Course and more

CHILDREN'S CLOTHING SALE: Gently-used children's and adult clothing at LOW, LOW prices. Great opportunity to do good 3 X by donating your gently used clothing, buying gently used clothing, and living simpler by fall housecleaning.

VENDOR BOOTHS: Vendor applications available in Front Office

Volunteers to work games - positions available for your older children
Clothing donations (bring to Front Office)
Clothing racks loaned
Water & soft drinks donated

For more information, contact Jackie Johnson-Charles by email at or by phone at 770/355-2350.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Support our neighborhood: participate in DeKalb County's Transportation Plan

Click to enlarge.
As noted in recent posts, DeKalb County is working on a transportation plan (see Residents can help prioritize support projects in their area by voicing their support and attending the following meetings:


Thursday, November 7 | 6:30-8:00 PM
Interactive College of Technology-Roberts Hall
5227 New Peachtree Road | Chamblee, GA 30341
On MARTA: #33, 126, Chamblee MARTA Station

Tuesday, November 12 | 6:30-8:00 PM
Fairfield Inn & Suites (Mall at Stonecrest)
7850 Stonecrest Square | Lithonia, GA 30038
On MARTA: #86, 111, 116

Monday, November 18 | 6:30-8:00 PM
Porter Sanford III Performing Arts Center
3181 Rainbow Drive | Decatur, GA 30034
On MARTA: #186

Thursday, November 14 | 6:30-8:00 PM
Registration begins November 1st on the project website.
Pre-registration is encouraged but not required.

Saturday, November 16 | Time: TBD
The Courtyard Marriott Hotel - Downtown Decatur
130 Clairemont Avenue | Decatur, GA 30030
On MARTA: #19, 123, Decatur MARTA Station
Registration information and additional details can be found at

Aggressive panhandlers at Lawrenceville Highway shopping areas

These reports come via the Laurel Ridge neighborhood about a couple (man and woman) who have been repeatedly seen at Shamrock Plaza, Briarcliff Village, QT,  RaceTrac and CVS on Lawrenceville Highway. Medlock area residents have also encountered them.

They typically approach shoppers in the parking lot and ask for money, sometimes aggressively. They will not accept food donations. If you are approached, step away and call 911. Incident reports are listed below.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Medline LCI Proposal details

Image via ARC / LCI Medline Proposal

The Atlanta Regional (ARC) Commission has posted the Medline LCI proposal that was submitted by our Commissioners in 2012 and approved earlier this year. The award consists of a $120,000 grant from the ARC and an additional $35,000 in matching funds from local governments and businesses. View the full document: MEDLINE Redevelopment Corridor: A Livable Centers Initiative Proposal, DeKalb County, GA 
From the plan:
"This  LCI  grant will fund the Medline  Redevelopment  Corridor  Study which  includes  Scott Boulevard /Lawrenceville Highway, Church Street, North Decatur Road and portions of DeKalb Industrial Way.  The study will be complete by or before June 30, 2014.   Each task below will be evaluated in deliverables  provided in the plan.
1. Efficiency / feasibility of land uses and mix appropriate for future growth including new and / or revised land use regulations needed to complete the development program
2. Transportation demand reduction measures
3. Internal  mobility  requirements—traffic  calming,  pedestrian,  transit  circulation,  and  bicycle circulation, safety and security of all modes
4. Mixed‐income housing, job/housing match and social issues.
5. Continuity of local streets in study area and development of a network of minor roads
6. Need/identification of future transit circulation systems
7. Connectivity of transportation system to other centers
8. Community  organization,  management,  promotion,  and  economic  restructuring  to ensure implementation
9. Stakeholder participation/support.
10. Public and private investment policy."

Friday, October 18, 2013

MANA Community Meeting [Oct 21]

Medlock Area Neighborhood Association (MANA) Community Meeting
Monday October 21    7:00pm
North Decatur Presbyterian Church

We certainly hope to see you at the next MANA Community Meeting.  Among the items on the agenda are:
  • Zoning news
  • Neighborhood Watch
  • Lifelong Communities
  • Home Sales
  • Halloween plans
Also,  Allen Venet will be there to tell us about the City of Briarcliff Initiative.  So come meet and talk with your neighbors and  get news of community interest.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Missing Miguel no more!

Miguel is home again, yay!

Coming up this weekend...

Household Hazardous Waste Event
Saturday, October 19, 8am - Noon
DeKalb County Central Transfer Station
3720 Leroy Scott Drive, Decatur

Free to DeKalb Co. residents (ID required). No commercial vehicles!

Disposal of hazardous waste, includes aerosols, mercury, batteries, adhesives, flammables, lawn-care products, automotive products, fluorescent bulbs, photo chemicals, hobby and artists supplies, paints and paint-related products, cleaners and swimming pool chemicals/

Hosted by Keep DeKalb Beautiful and DeKalb County Sanitation.

Little Creek Horse Farm Festival
Saturday, October 19, 12pm – 4 pm, Rain or Shine
2057 Lawrenceville Hwy, Decatur

"Enjoy a day of family fun, including pony rides, kids' crafts, costume contest, riding and equestrian drill team demonstrations and salute to the military, pet adoptions, the Atlanta Mounted Police, and much more!  Admission $5, children under the age of 4 Free! Pony rides: $8 including a professional photo shot for download after the event. Children must be at least 36" to ride.  Rain or shine!  Cash or checks transactions only."

Festival on Ponce (Olmstead Linear Park)
October 19-20, 2013

Saturday: 10 am - 6 pm
Sunday : 11 am - 6 pm

"The Festival on Ponce is an Atlanta arts and crafts festival set in the historic park, Olmsted Linear Park. Visitors will enjoy the gorgeous landscape designed by one of America's most celebrated landscape architects, Fredrick Olmsted Sr. along with over 125 displays of fine arts and crafts, folk and "outsider art". In addition to the fine arts, there will be a children's area and local food and beverage. Attendance is Free."

Clean-up at Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve
"Please come to the Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve on Sat 10/19 from 9 am -noon for a MANA-sponsored cleanup to clear brush and haul away debris. CSNP staff will be on hand to oversee the work and provide all needed tools - we just need YOU to show up ready to work! The CSNP annual fall festival will be the following weekend, on 10/26 so you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors and join your neighbors in celebrating fall. MANA will provide coffee, water & snacks - to help us with planning, please RSVP to Hope to see you there!"

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lost black cat now found

Home safely! Was trapped inside a for-sale house for 5 days. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Request from DeKalb County Animal Services

From: Susan Feingold

Click to enlarge.
First, a big thank you to everyone who helped us to promote last month’s pet adoption special.  It resulted in the highest number of pet adoptions and lowest euthanasia rate ever recorded at the DeKalb County  shelter!!!   I’d appreciate it if you could help spread the word about our new pet adoption special so we can get more animals saved.  It is called “Shelter Classics” and it is designed to find homes for our long term residents.  Adoption fee is only $20 for animals that have been at the shelter for more than a month and is FREE for pets that have been available for adoption for two months.  (Standard adoption screening still applies.)  What a great deal for a spay/neutered, microchipped, vaccinated, dewormed and heartworm tested dog, cat, puppy or kitten! 
Click to enlarge.

I have attached a press release along with a jpg graphic suitable for posting on Facebook or in emails.  I would really appreciate it if you could send out the adoption promo information in your newsletters, emails and on your Facebook pages and website.

Thank you in advance for caring about the homeless pets in DeKalb County!


Susan Feingold, Shelter Director
DeKalb County Animal Services
managed by LifeLine Animal Project

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Black and white cat found [Oct 12]

Update: this cat is still looking for its owner. Here is another photo. Any info please email

Monday, October 7, 2013

Prevent kitchen fires

Did you know that cooking is the leading cause of home fires and fire-related home injuries? Visit the Fire Prevention Week website to avoid taking a page from Talking Heads.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tropical storm Karen may come a'knocking...

For updates on Karen's mood, visit her profile at the National Hurricane Center
At this rate, Monday could be messy...
Tropical storm Karen's projected path as of Oct. 3, 2013.

Want A Bicycle Bridge Over I-285 on the PATH Stone Mtn Trail?

Approximation of area being considered for a multi-use trail,
between Glendale Rd. (Marker "A") and Erskine Rd. (Marker "B"),
per information below
from Bicycle South
Next Tuesday October 8th at 10AM the DeKalb County Commission will consider a proposal to condemn approx 10’ (average) off the Church St edge of the CSX railroad right of way from Glendale to Erskine for the purpose of building a trail bridge over I-285 and a continuous multi-use trail along the route. If you've ever ridden the trail, you know this is the worst & most dangerous section between Decatur and Stone Mountain! PATH and the County have the funds, GDOT has approved the bridge, the permit is in place and the Clarkston City Council is in support and now is the opportunity to make this happen.

However, the DeKalb Commission has postponed this vote once before because the Commissioner for the district, Sharon Barnes-Sutton, has expressed some doubt about the need for a bridge. If you live in DeKalb and want a safe way to ride or walk this trail, then now is the time to contact her & the other Commissioners: Jeff Rader, Larry Johnson, Elaine Boyer, Stan Watson & Kathy Gannon. [Link to DeKalb County Commissioners' email addresses and phone numbers.

Map outlining "The Stone Mountain Bike Ride" that starts and ends at Bicycle South
map via

Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve Volunteer Day [Oct 19]

From Casey, MANA Greenspace chair:

Dear MANA members - we are very fortunate to have a special natural space, Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve, in our neighborhood.  The summer of rain has taken its toll on the preserve and it needs our help to clean up the trails.  Please join us on Sat 10/19 from 9 am -noon to clear brush and haul away debris.  CSNP staff will be on hand to oversee the work and provide all needed tools - we just need YOU to show up ready to work!  The CSNP annual fall festival will be the following weekend, on 10/26 so you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors and join your neighbors in celebrating fall.  MANA will provide coffee, water & snacks - to help, please RSVP to  Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

MARTA / Clifton Corridor: a dream chugs along

After the T-SPLOST was defeated, it seems that even staunch fans of the North Decatur/Clifton Roads light rail plan collectively sighed and despaired. But MARTA and the Clifton Corridor folks continue to work at it, and post updates at

In particular, check out their Spring/Summer 2013 Environmental Review Newsletter. It includes tantalizing images such as these... but go to the source for details.

via MARTA/Clifton Corridor's Spring/Summer 2013 Environmental Review Newsletter

via MARTA/Clifton Corridor's Spring/Summer 2013 Environmental Review Newsletter