Monday, November 19, 2018

School redistricting may impact Medlock

A series of meetings have taken place as the DeKalb County School System (DCSS) considers redistricting options for some elementary schools in the Druid Hills cluster. Decaturish summarizes the landscape leading to that decision here.

Medlock's attendance pattern to elementary school will likely change as a result.

MANA has sent the below letter to DCSS, outlining support for an option that "maximizes elementary school seats in the cluster and keeps the Medlock area together."

Click to enlarge. 
1The Medlock Area Neighborhood Association includes residents within a boundary approximately defined as the following: North: North Druid Hills Road at Willivee Drive and North Druid Hills Road at North Hills Drive; South: North Decatur Road; East: Willivee Drive (both sides) between North Decatur Road & North Druid Hills Road; West: North Hills Drive, Pine Bluff Drive, Harrington Drive & Scott Blvd, Lawrenceville Highway, excluding Tuxworth Springs Condominium .
DCSS's website notes that there is a one remaining public information meeting on November 28, and feedback can also be delivered via survey.
Meeting 3: The third meeting presents one “Staff Recommended ” op on and gives the public one more opportunity to provide feedback. The proposed dates for the third meeting of each process are:
  • John Lewis Redistricting: Tuesday, November 27 , 2018 @ Cross Keys HS, 7 PM
  • Druid Hills Redistricting: Wednesday, November 28 , 2018 @ Druid Hills MS, 7 PM
  • Online Survey: November 27 – December 6, 2018 (midnight)
Board Approval: After the third public meeting , Planning department staff will incorporate all public feedback into a “Superintendent‐Recommended Redistricting Plan ”.
  • First Read: January 7th, 2019 Board meeting
  • Board Approval: February 4th, 2019 Board meeting.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

DeKalb Neighborhood Survey - Comparing Possible Futures

via MANA President Lynn Ganim...

The Georgia Legislature goes into session in early January of 2019. Among many other possible issues, the specters of new cities and annexations might once again appear and affect our neighborhood, so we need to be prepared--again.

MANA is coordinating with nearby civic associations, including Clairmont Heights, to find out what our residents might prefer if we were forced to choose or have a choice: to stay unincorporated, join a new city, or an existing city. For more information and to express your current opinion, please go to, read the introduction and brief survey there carefully and answer the questions.

We realize that you have many questions about annexation and incorporation, which this survey does not answer, but for now we simply hope you will start thinking about the issues and consider what you might choose IF you had to. 

The MANA board will continue to monitor developments and try our best to fill in the blanks as we can or need to (e.g., we will conduct a Medlock-specific survey and canvas the neighborhood door-to-door as we did a few years back if necessary).

If you have questions, please contact

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Alternative Gift Market [Dec 1]

Deedee Murphy. 404-276-0593
Alternative Gift Market at North Decatur Presbyterian Church
Saturday, December 1, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm 

North Decatur Presbyterian Church invites the Medlock community to its annual Alternative Gift Market, Saturday, 
Dec. 1, 10 am to 3 pm. Shop for Fair Trade*, environmentally sustainable and reasonably priced holiday gifts
supporting international and local charities. Gifts for sale include handmade items from South and Central America;
African and Nepali inspired ornaments, jewelry and clothing; baked goods from refugee owned businesses;
Fair Trade coffee, chocolate and tea; olive oil from Palestine; hand loomed rugs and soup and cookie mixes
supporting people in transition. Holiday Gift Cards will also be available to support many charitable organizations
including El Refugio, a hospitality house for families of detainees at Stewart Detention Center; Casa Materna
Ana Sayre, a birthing center in Guatemala; and the EcoVillages School in Haiti, plus many more.

A Children’s Craft Corner and hospitality snacks will also be available while you shop.

NDPC is at 611 Medlock Road at the intersection of Medlock, N. Decatur Rd. and Scott Blvd. 

Credit Cards, Checks and Cash accepted. Make a difference in the world, one gift at a time!

Contact: Deedee Murphy
*What is Fair Trade? (text credit: Fair Trade Federation) Fair Trade is an economic partnership based on
dialogue, transparency, and respect. Fair trade is not about charity. It is a holistic approach to trade and
development that aims to alter the ways in which commerce is conducted, so that trade can empower the
poorest of the poor. Fair Trade Organizations seek to create sustainable and positive change in developing
and developed countries.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

QT rezoning SLUP (Lawrenceville Hwy)

Following up on the QT Rezoning/SLUP request at Lawrenceville Highway that we reported on last June, Theresa Same (MANA Zoning Chair) brings us this update:
With MANA zoning team support, I was able to work with the immediate neighbors to negotiate the attached zoning agreement and conditions for the QT redevelopment. In the end, we basically got everything that was requested. 

Of benefit to the community: New 10 ft wide multi-use sidewalk around the edge of their property (Lawrenceville Highway and Orion Drive), new 8 ft wide multi-use sidewalk to Harrington Drive, new painted crosswalk at both Qt entrances, and re-striping of Orion Drive as it leads up to the intersection.
Of benefit to the immediate neighbors: Replace existing wood fence at the property line with new 8 ft fence, addition of new double-sided 8 ft fence on QT side of buffer, Removing dead trees from the buffer, cleaning up and replanting the buffer, dumpster enclosure to minimize sound, and in general moving the more intense use away from the residential homes (gas pumps, lighting, underground gas tanks, etc).
The Board of Commissioner's meeting will hear this request on 11-13-2018. No opposition is expected.
UPDATE: The request was approved by the BOC on 11-13-2018.

Please review this file for high resolution site maps, elevations, signage, as well as the arborist report: Store 741 Proposed Zoning Agreement 11-12-18 rev.pdf