Sunday, January 29, 2012

The way we were

These aerial views show the Medlock Park area as it was in the 1940's, then in 1960, and finally, a recent view.

It is not quite a perfect overlay, but you can orient yourself by finding the railroad tracks on top left and Scott Blvd. towards the bottom right. The future location of Medlock Elementary is roughly at the middle of the 1940's photo, with the South Fork of Peachtree Creek very visible along the middle of the photo.

Can you spot your house, other landmarks?

1940 (left) and 1960 (right). Click to enlarge.
The above images are courtesy of the Digital Library of Georgia, where you can download the above images: 1940 | 1960.

Below, Google tells us the area is now positively infested with trees! But seriously, the transition from agricultural to residential appears to have been quite tree-friendly. Here's to hoping the Google plane flies over when the dogwoods are in bloom.

2011. Click to enlarge.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Urban Chicken Symposium [Feb 25]

We know a lot of you are interested in urban chicken-keeping so here's an opportunity to learn more through the Urban Chicken Symposium, organized by the Oakhurst Community Garden. 

As to MANA chickens, well, we've heard DeKalb is working on changing regulations but to our knowledge, it is not legal to keep chickens in our district.

Click to enlarge.
Urban Chickens Symposium in the Heart of Oakhurst Village near Downtown Decatur February 25 
Eggstra! Eggstra! Poultry in Motion. 
On the wings of Oakhurst Community Garden Project’s wildly popular “Chicks in the City” classes comes a full day of urban poultry-keeping. On February 25 the Chicks in the City Symposium offers attendees a full plate of essentials on backyard chickens. Taught by local experts, the seven sessions highlight how-tos from bees and chickens to community co-ops. 
With urban farming on the rise, and concerns about how food is made increase, this timely full day of workshops will engage and enlighten both the committed “locavore” and curious alike. The Chicks in the City Symposium equips guests with all the resources needed to start an urban flock.  Several new topics will be covered including Baby Chicks by the Georgia Gardener, Walter Reeves.   
In an eggshell, the Chicks in the City Symposium runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4pm on Saturday, February 25 and will be held at the Oakhurst Church, 630 East Lake Drive, Decatur, GA. Cost is $65. Oakhurst Community Garden Project members pay just $50. Morning sweet tweets will be available for purchase from the Little Red Hen Bakeshop. Pre-registration is requested and limited to the first 150 registrants.  Register at Contact for questions. 
About the Oakhurst Community Garden Project Founded in 1997, and located on two acres at the corner of McDonough and Oakview in the Oakhurst neighborhood of Decatur, the Oakhurst Community Garden Project works to preserve community greenspace and cultivate the next generation of environmental stewards. We engage people of all ages to take charge of their own health and environment through hands-on gardening and outdoor education programs. Our classes, events, and volunteer projects also offer community members opportunities to enhance their own green spaces and sustainable living skills. Visit

Correcting erroneous statements by APN

from the MANA Board 

Some of you may have seen a report on the Atlanta Progressive News website about the protest against Walmart at Suburban Plaza.  There are several inaccuracies in the report that we would like to correct.

Someone was quoted as saying that MANA was offered $250,000 for supporting Walmart. This is untrue. There was a person purported to be from Walmart at one of the first public meetings who was overheard saying that Walmart usually supports local schools and community projects that surround their stores.

We have always welcomed the support of the local business community for Medlock Elementary programs and other neighborhood activities such as the Senior Dinner. We will welcome any future contributions, however, none were offered in exchange for the parking variance support.

MANA agreed to support the parking variance because we felt that it was in the best interest of the neighborhood and our watershed to have as little asphalt as possible at the site, and it was our understanding that the project would continue even if the variance did not pass.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Enrollment Information for The International Community School (ICS)

1st Grade Art (from ICS on Facebook). Click to enlarge!

Last October, the DeKalb County School System approved a letter of intent from the ICS to relocate to the Medlock Elementary building.

A few months back, the DecaturMetro blog shared an email sent by the ICS school principal that outlines some of the history behind that decision.

MANA has just received the following enrollment information [March 9] and open house [Feb 4] announcement:
The International Community School (ICS), a tuition-free, public charter school, is accepting applications for the 2012-13 academic year.

Enrollment is awarded by lottery. ICS is accepting lottery applications for Kindergarten through 5th grade. The application is on the Admissions page of the ICS website and is available at: 
The application deadline is Friday, March 9th. Applicants will be notified following the March 16th lottery. 
The ICS Open House for academic year 2012-13 will take place at the Decatur campus, 3260 Covington Highway, 30032, on Saturday, February 4, 2012, 10am-12 Noon. 
For more information, please contact the ICS Registrar at 404-499-8969  ext 11 or email
As soon as we know more, we will share.

FOUND White and black cat:

Friendly cat found! Neighbors have been taking care of it but if anyone knows who the owner is, or can offer to adopt, please see contact information below.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Water main break, service interrupted to McCurdy, Woodridge

It appears that there's a water main break. DeKalb Co. has been notified.  For timely updates, see what the neighbors are saying via the Medlock Park Neighbors Facebook page (must log on to Facebook to access).

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fundaiser for ICS Soccer Team [Jan 21]

The International Community School, our soon-to-be neighbor, is having a fund-raiser to benefit their soccer program:

Click image to enlarge
Angora Hall seats around 400 so come on over! There will be six bands – from Irish traditional to modern jazz to all-vocal to African drumming to a “Classic Rock” dance band. It will be a family-friendly event, proceeds from food and drink sales will go to the school’s soccer program--a global game for a global school!

To learn more about ICS, visit, which features clips of an upcoming independent film.

For truly in-depth information about ICS, visit This blog is a multimedia report by journalist Mary Wiltenburg, who spent a year learning the how's and why's of the International Community School through the eyes of its students, their families and the school's faculty and administrators.

Residents opposed to Walmart to meet [Jan 17]

The North Druid Hills-Briarcliff Patch reported on Sunday that
A group of residents who have opposed Walmart as part of the redevelopment of Suburban Plaza will meet at North Decatur Presbyterian Church.  
...according to an email sent to residents in the Decatur Heights neighborhood. The meeting begins at 7pm at the church at 611 Medlock Rd.  

Friday, January 13, 2012

Aww! Found dog story @ CHCA

If you need the cockles of your heart warmed, proceed to the CHCA website for the story of found doggy and now MANA resident Boo Radley.

MLK: Volunteer at Clyde Shepherd Nature Presearve [Jan. 16]

From Nature Preserve president Chris Beck
Join us on MLK Day at the Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve for a volunteer day from 9am-noon. 
Help us move mulch and save trees from English ivy. 
Please bring yard tools and a water bottle.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Flood Risk Information Open Houses [Jan, 24 & 31]

Continuing on a water theme...

CHCA has posted an announcement for information meetings with DeKalb County's floodplain manager and a representative from the Burnt Fork Watershed Alliance:
During these Open Houses, representatives from the County, GA DNR-EPD and FEMA will provide the most current information regarding the countywide flood risk, flood insurance, floodplain development regulations, floodplain mapping, and timeline for the Flood Insurance Study / the Flood Insurance Rate Maps adoption. The countywide floodplain maps will be displayed.
CHCA also links to Georgia's Flood Map website, which generates nifty maps like this one:

Partial view of the Flood Insurance Rate Map for our neighborhood.

South Fork Conservancy: two scheduled walks [Jan. 8 & 14]

From Sally Sears, South Fork Conservancy, a partner with CHCA and MANA in the volunteer work on Ira B. Melton Park:
Ira B. Melton neighbors, the South Fork Conservancy has two tours planned for later this month. Please join us if you can, to see what other sections of the creek can look like.
See additional details at the CHCA website.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Two dogs abandoned in City of Decatur need help

sent to MANA for distribution. Please help if you can.
On Jan 1, two very sweet adult pet dogs, one male and one female boxer/bird dog mixes, were abandoned in the City of Decatur with a bag of dog food dumped on the street. They were obviously pets as they were confused and were lost when they were discovered. Both are very friendly and family oriented dogs.  
Residents on that street were trying to take care of these abandoned pets. However, the dogs have now ended up at Dekalb Animal Control and are residing on Death Row there. At least they are temporarily safe from the freezing cold. However time is running out for them as eventually if no foster or permanent home is found they will have to be euthenized.
 Private donations have been pledged in exceess of $350 from residents all throughout Decatur to rescue these loving pets from euthenaztion. What is missing now is someone to either foster or take these loving animals as permanent members of their family. I won't commit to this. However I believe most vets/shelters will provide services and food at a reduced rates to foster homes.
If anyone can find a way to take one or both of these animals into their lives, either as foster or permanent homes, it would be a heartwarming experience for everyone and a great way to start 2012. 
If you can help in this rescue effort or would like more information such as a picture of these pets, please contact me offline as soon as possible at Time is running out for them.
Update: for photo of the doggies, see

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Water and sewer rate increase will benefit local creek system

The Champion reports

DeKalb County’s water and sewer rates will increase by 11 percent to help finance more than $1 billion dollars in improvements to the county’s water and sewer system. The rate will also increase in 2013 and 2014 by 11 percent, according to a plan adopted by the Board of Commissioners in December 2010.
... The system is plagued with pipe breaks and sewer spills. As of Dec. 20, there have been 187 county sewer spills, many caused by grease blockages in pipes...
... According to county officials, approximately $20 million-$30 million will be allocated to address requirements of a proposed consent decree in which the county would agree to pay a $453,000 penalty from the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for excessive sewage spills. The county also agreed to implement a $600,000 stream cleanup project, focusing on debris removal from parts of the South River, South Fork Peachtree Creek and Snapfinger Creek. 
The South Fork of Peachtree Creek merrily meanders through MANA and Clairmont Heights. It is great to hear some of these taxes will help improve nearby habitats that have been repeatedly affected by spills. Because, hey, thats our creek!

Here she is, seen from the stone bridge at Mason Mill [May 2010 (left) and Feb 2011 (right)].
While on this topic, visit the  South Fork Conservancy's website, which also spells out a wonderful plan to develop connecting trails while restoring and conserving these much-neglected waterways.

Save the Date: Embrace our Green Space Run [March 24]

via CHCA...

Please mark your calendars for the Second Annual Embrace Our Green Space Race. As in the inaugural event this past March, we will again have a variety of events: 2K walk for kids and seniors, 5K run/walk, 10K run, 10K skate and 20K bike ride. There are police escorts and traffic control at major intersections on the 10K and 20K courses. All event courses wind through neighborhood streets and sidewalks with lots of turns. All events are non-competitive. On-site registration begins at 9AM on Saturday, March 24, 2012 in parking lot at Oak Grove United Methodist Church. Post race snacks donated by local restaurants. 
Online registration will be available at Our event will be listed in early January under 'Embrace Our Green Space Race'. Those who sign up by the week before the event will get tee shirts. This year we are also encouraging kids under 12 to participate without their parents and get some fresh air and exercise by having a special entrance fee for them of $10 (includes a tee shirt if registered a week before the event). A regular adult entry fee is $20, and a family entry fee is $50. 
Atlanta Park Pride will again collect and distribute the funds. All proceeds above the cost of the event will be divided equally among the 'friends of' groups that help maintain 4 neighborhood parks: Kittredge, Mary Scott, Clyde Shepherd and the new park on Lavista Road that sits behind the Oak Grove shopping center and Coralwood School. If you haven't visited some of these parks, check them out! 
The 2012 flyer is attached as a PDF with more information and an entry and tee shirt ordering form for those who prefer the US Postal Service. 
Thank you for your participation in our event and support for our local green spaces!
Best Regards,
Ted Daniel
Chair, Embrace Our Green Space Race

Lost Dog: Reno the Black Lab [Dec 31]

forwarded from the MANA email list...

Have you seen this dog or know where he might be? His name is Reno. Reno's home is located in the Sargent Hills Neighborhood just South of North Dekalb Mall, by the Quick Trip. Doug - his owner - is really upset about Reno.

RENO is 10yrs old. Weighs 50lbs. Primarily black in color with white on his chest, , toes, muzzle, and tip on his tail. RENO did not have his collar on, but had on a red flea collar. RENO has never wondered any further than to say hello to the neighbor.

On New Year's Eve, Doug - let him out in the fenced yard for a potty break. When Reno didn't want to come back in after his normal time, Doug looked for him and then realized the yard folks left the gate unlatched.

If you see this dog, hear of a dog with similar descriptions, or even THINK you know ANYTHING that may help reunite Doug & RENO, PLEASE CALL DOUG IMMEDIATELY. You may call ANYTIME. Day or Night at ANY hour. Doug's number is 404-839-2136.