Commissioner Gannon's Blueprint for DeKalb project has launched a website. The Blueprint identifies the need for comprehensive solutions and governmental transparency as critical in revitalizing the County's health and reputation. The Blueprint argues for fixing the County rather than fragmenting it. For an opportunity to learn about the Blueprint and ask questions, please attend the meeting scheduled for September 30th at 6:30 PM in the Maloof Auditorium in Decatur.
The website includes position papers on ethics, internal audits, purchasing, elections, HOST and city hood. Thanks to Deanne for forwarding this information.
(From Commissioner Gannon's Office)
DeKalb Citizens Group Calls for Reforms
In the wake of swirling charges of corruption, a group of engaged DeKalb citizens is bringing forth recommendations to reform DeKalb County government. The diverse group of neighborhood leaders has been working since February to draft the Blueprint to Redefine DeKalb County. The Blueprint is a framework for reform - it addresses: procurement policies, ethics, inefficient operations and the stale political environment. Today the Blueprints Leadership team called a public meeting and launched a website
“The voices of citizens must be heard to change the direction of DeKalb County,” said Patricia Killingsworth, a member of the Blueprints Leadership Team. “We hope citizens from across DeKalb County – north, south, in cities or outside – will use this current crisis as an opportunity to press for meaningful reforms, and that our elected officials will engage and take their responsibility for promoting ethics and transparency in DeKalb County government seriously.”
“DeKalb needs comprehensive solutions that are as big as our problems,” said Gil Turman another member of the Blueprints Leadership Team. “Many levels of government must be involved and our business and private sector leaders must also press for change.” contains:
· The original Blueprint showing the group’s principles
· A progress report to the Operations Task Force
· A survey to obtain feedback from the public
· Draft position papers written by citizens
The position papers include recommendations to ensure more accountability, transparency and efficiency. Among the recommendations are:
· An internal audit watchdog that reports to an independent body
· Ethics reform, including removing Board of Ethics appointments from the CEO and Board of Commissioners
· Greater transparency in purchasing, budgeting and operations to allow citizens to more carefully monitor County government
· A straw poll to consider term limits and non-partisan elections
The Blueprints Leadership Team will review these reforms in a community meeting on September 30th at 6:30 PM in the Maloof Auditorium in Decatur.
For more information contact