Sunday, July 5, 2015

Once-a-week trash/recyclables/yardwaste service starts this week

The hangtag delivered to your door states the day of the week
(Monday through Thursday) when your garbage, recycling
AND yard trimmings will be collected by DeKalb Co.
Sanitation under the Rolling Forward To One program.
Last May, DeKalb County Sanitation announced that

"Effective July 6, 2015, all garbage, recyclable materials and yard trimmings will be collected on the same day. In addition, the Sanitation Division will be providing green garbage roll carts to every single-family household in unincorporated DeKalb..." with the primary goal of "consolidating collection schedules to improve service delivery and efficiencies, while remaining fiscally responsible in the face of rising operating costs."  

Last month, hang tags were delivered door to door to inform customers of their assigned pick-up day. Roll cart delivery also started; it is expected all deliveries will be completed in 6-8 weeks. The 65-gallon roll carts (pictured to the left) are green, labeled with the County logo, and are emptied with mechanical assistance from the garbage truck ("tipper"). This design is expected to "ensure neighborhoods are cleaner and neater with the reduction of loose trash" and will also help reduce injuries to our sanitation workers.  "Each cart has a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) wafer, which identifies the household to which the cart was assigned." Roll carts are being offered free of charge.

Per the Rolling Forward To One website, "The delivery of garbage roll carts will continue throughout the month of July.  Currently, roll cart delivery to Monday once-a-week customers is underway.  We will provide an update once roll carts deliveries for Monday once-a-week customers have been completed.  Please check back soon for updates." The website also includes a FAQ file; here are some highlights:
  • "...once the one-day-a-week collection service program is fully implemented by the end of August, all residents must use their county-provided roll carts for garbage disposal. Residents are also able to use durable, secure plastic bags for garbage disposal. Additionally, the Sanitation Division will not service residents using Herbie Curbie, Waste Management, Republic Services, Home Depot and other third party garbage containers. We have specifically evaluated the use of our roll carts with specialized collection vehicles, and these carts are authorized by the County and municipalities in which our customers live. Therefore, once the program is fully implemented by the end of August 2015, garbage will not be collected in any other container or cart."
  • Metal and plastic garbage receptacles no longer needed can be left for pickup and recycling if clearly marked "RECYCLE."
  • There is an option to later upgrade to a 95-gallon roll cart, or secure an additional 65 gallon container, for a fee.  
  • "Customers with excess garbage that will not fit in the county-provided garbage roll cart can place their garbage in durable, secure plastic bags and placed curbside for collection."
  • "All garbage must be placed in bags and securely tied prior to being placed inside the cart. This will keep the cart cleaner, minimizes odors and insects, and prevents loose material from falling into the street."
  • Elderly and disabled customers who provide medical documentation confirming they are physically unable to bring their roll cart to the curb will receive assistance ("back door" service) at no extra charge.
  •  The Rolling Forward to One program will not lead to a reduction in sanitation employees but may lead to duty reassignments because the Sanitation Division is also responsible for other tasks such as "mowing the sides of county and state roadways, coordinates cleanups of illegal dumping sites, maintains natural areas, and participates in some stream restoration projects. Any reduction in the number of collectors or drivers will be redirected to other efforts that promote beautification throughout the County."  
  •  "The Sanitation Division will repair any damaged lids, wheels or handles. If the cart is not repairable, it will be replaced. However, it is the responsibility of the customer to keep the inside of the cart clean and free of loose garbage.
  • "All customers will receive a standard 65-gallon garbage roll cart. Customers wishing to trade in their green 65-gallon garbage roll cart for a 35- or 45-gallon garbage roll cart can do so at no fee during Phase II. However, customers wishing to trade in their 65-gallon garbage roll cart for a 95-gallon garbage roll cart will incur a onetime $15 upgrade fee. Additionally, any residents wishing to receive a second green garbage roll cart can do so during Phase II for a one-time $15 fee, must subscribe to the County’s recycling program, and will also incur an increase in sanitation assessment fees from $265/year to $350/year.
  • Once the garbage roll cart program is up and running, the County will introduce a 65-gallon blue roll cart for recyclables. Until then, we should continue to use our 15-gallon blue bins and bags and place recyclables curbside on our assigned delivery date.
Delivery schedules start this week as follows:
Monday once-a-week customers will begin on Monday, July 6, 2015
Tuesday once-a-week customers will begin on Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Wednesday once-a-week customers will begin on Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Thursday once-a-week customers will begin on Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sanitation Service Change website: