Join us this Saturday for our regular volunteer day from 9am to noon. We will also be accepting donations of new and used tools to replace those lost in the shed fire. Here is a list of tools and other equipment lost in the fire that we still need (although we welcome all tool donations).
Also we lost supplies that we use for the annual Harvest Festival.
- wheelbarrows
- 8 ft step ladder
- pole saw
- pruning saw
- mulch scoop shovel
- loppers
- hand pruners
- swing blades (the tools with long wooden handles and a metal blade at the end)
- trash tongs
- 10lb sledge hammer
- 2lb hammers
- first aid kit
All donations are tax-deductible. If you have tools that you would like to donate, but can't make it on September 10th, please contact us. You can make your tax-deductible donation to the Preserve online.
- large cooler
- metal tub
- strands of outdoor lights
- spot lights
- 50ft extension cords
- extension cord splitters
- tiki torches
- small collapsible tailgate canopy
- long plastic folding table
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Volunteer and Tool Donation Day, Saturday [Sept 10]
from Chris Beck, President, Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve