As usual, meeting takes place at the North Decatur Presbyterian Church, 811 Medlock Rd.
7pm: Welcome and acknowledgement of new and current MANA volunteers
- Emily Mann- Volunteer Coordinator
- Theresa Same and Hans Williams will be Co-Chairs of Zoning
- Kathryn Firago and Deb Wilson will work on Senior issues
- Kris Kane will remain as - Welcome Kit Chair
- Tanya Myers will be Schools Liaison
- Pat Camp will remain as - Newsletter Advertising Coordinator
- Stephanie Ruffin will remain as - Newsletter Editor
- Cathy Quinones will remain as - Website Editor
- Casey Boudreau as Parks and Greenspace chair
- Charles Forrest will work with Lynn Ganim of Legislative issues
- Larry Diehl continues to serve as our Community Council Representative
7:15 pm: Aging in Place Village Concept: (30 min)
Karl Williams and/or Amy Tsu, from DeKalb’s Office of Senior Affairs
- review of concept to see if the neighborhood wants to pursue this grant.
- the Aging in Place Village may include a yearly membership that provides services such as discounts or assistance with service information and repairs, home health care, transportation access, social and educational activities
- this is a concept in progress so questions and suggestions are requested.
7:45 pm: Atlanta Gas Light (15 min)
Zachary Smith, with Eastside Pipeline Project overview and questions
8 pm: Committee Reports
- Treasurer/Membership: Judy (5 min)
- Volunteer Coordinator: Emily (5 min)
- Neighborhood Watch (5 min)
- Schools (5 min)
- Zoning (20 min)
President: Bev Monroe
Vice President: Lynn Ganim
Secretary: still need a volunteer!
Treasurer: Judy Perras