Scott Circle Lots master plan |
Back in 2014, we started hearing about the County's plan to purchase floodplain properties on Scott Circle, with the lots to be converted to greenspace. In 2015, several houses were demolished and the greenspace started taking shape. With community input and support from Druid Hills Youth Sports and the Medlock Area Neighborhood Association (MANA), a vision for this greenspace was agreed upon. In subsequent years, dozens of trees were planted and in 2017-2018, a Park Pride grant came through to build the first of two bridges that will connect Medlock Park to the Scott Circle lots.
Ta-da! The new bridge. |
This week, that first bridge was installed and volunteers gathered on April 13 to begin mulching the first of a series of paths that will make the space more accessible. Our thanks to Ted Ward, MANA Greenspace chair, who has been leading this effort for the last several years. Also thanks to Dave Butler who has been instrumental in this and so many other greenspace projects in our neighborhood (Scott lots, community garden, Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve).
Thanks to all the volunteers who turned up today to chop and haul privet and spread mulch at the new bridge. Soon, additional truckloads of mulch will be delivered so that this first path (that wends its way along the back of the properties) will connect to the park entrance.
Later phases will add a path along the street (since there is no sidewalk) to make it safer for pedestrians to walk along this section of the street.
Two strong men and one smart man clear the area near the park-side ramp to the new bridge. [Just kidding, it took the three of them to move that downed tree!] |
Too far to jump: this creek tributary collects a lot of runoff from nearby areas. |