Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Possibly rabid raccoon at Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve

ALERT from the Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve:

For folks living near the Clyde Shepherd Nature Preserve (Pine Bluff, Harrington, Schoel, Wood Trail), please be aware that a raccoon was sighted within the preserve this morning exhibiting possible signs of rabies infection. DeKalb Animal Control has been called to remove the animal, but if sighted again, please keep a healthy distance!

The county's website for rabies control is http://www.dekalbhealth.net/envhealth/rabies-control/

UPDATE:  DeKalb County Animal Control has made a site visit and was unable to find the oddly-behaving raccoon. They advise anyone seeing it in the next few days to call 911 and request an officer to respond (and please stick around, at a safe distance, so that you can point out the animal to the responding officer).