This meeting is organized by the Druid Hills Civic Association and attendees can expect that the concerns of Druid Hills residents will be the focus of the discussion. That said, note that speakers include representatives of the City of Briarcliff and the Druid Hills Charter Cluster--two initiatives that include our neighborhood:
from the Druid Hills Civic Association website:
The agenda has been set for a Town Hall Meeting on Cityhood & Annexation to be held on August 20, 7-9pm. Speakers will include Allen Venet, chair, City of Briarcliff Initiative; Duriya Farooqui and Hans Utz of the Office of the Mayor, City of Atlanta; Lee May, acting CEO, DeKalb County; and Matthew Lewis of the Druid Hills Charter Cluster.
Presenters will be available to answer questions from the audience, said Mike St. Louis, chair, Committee to Explore Druid Hills Cityhood Options. The meeting will be held in the sanctuary of Glenn Memorial Church. Please attend and bring your neighbors! This issue is critical for our community!UPDATE (8/26/2013): Notes from the above meeting are available at
Per the comment section, a link to the Powerpoint presentation shared at the meeting may be posted soon.
Emory University also posted notes on the meeting, including a heading that reads "Emory remains neutral."