via Mary Joyce Burge...
New Stores:
Kizzie’s Downhome Kitchen – Opening late August
Georgia Power – Opening September
Dollar Tree – Opening Fall 2013
Creative Art Connections - AMC Wing
Computer Authority Stores – AMC Wing
New Prospects:
Coffee Shop
Comic Cartoon Academy
New Arcade
Golden Corral is exceeding expectations and driving huge crowds to the mall for both lunch and dinner! It has been a welcome addition by generating more restaurant interest at the mall.
The African American History Museum has been a rewarding summer addition to the center and the community at large. Mr. James Horton, Curator, reports over 4,000 visitors to the museum to date. Housing over 8,000 artifacts, the museum will be open through August 31st in the Macy’s wing of the mall.
The North DeKalb Mall-Community Garden started in the summer of 2012. A Bhutanese refugee family living less than a mile from the mall became the first garden farmers. The Keep DeKalb Beautiful program participated in providing compost and mulch to the garden. The Atlanta Community Food Bank helped provide many of the seeds used, and Global Grower’s Network has also been involved in the planning and coordination of this effort.
The garden expanded in 2013 by plowing up the remaining idle field into a total of 30 plots. Most of the space continues to be refugee planted but community plots have now been made available to local gardeners. Look for the garden produce stand coming soon!
Many groups have volunteered by helping install rain barrels, spread wood chips, and install compost bins. Local Girl Scout troop #4044 honored the garden with canvas paintings located at the Ross entrance of the mall. The center’s neighbor, Stivers Subaru, was our first sponsor by generously donating a tool shed for the garden of the mall. There is something for everyone wanting to volunteer in the community garden
Reaching our Community
North DeKalb Mall endeavors to reaches all demographics with programs such as Mall Walking and monthly Bingo for seniors (1st Thursday of each month); children’s activities which include fun and educational games; support to area schools with an arts program, and inviting choral and band groups to perform during the holidays.
The mall has been making a committed effort to reach back out to the community and serve as an important shopping and entertainment destination by adding tenants that have unique products or services and providing exciting worthwhile events and programs that the community can participate in. The mall is currently undergoing some changes with our tenant mix as we talk to significant prospects.
For up to the minute mall news, “Like Us” on FaceBook or check out our website at North DeKalb Mall is conveniently located at the intersection of North Druid Hills Road and Lawrenceville Hwy.UPDATE (via Deanne): The Dollar Tree will be 9969 sq ft (about the same size as the big one at Belvedere Plaza). When construction is completed, there will be an entrance for Dollar Tree at the end of the building across from the Post Office.
For leasing information contact Taylor Dozier at 404-320-7960 or To schedule an event or to receive event information contact Mary Joyce Burdge at 404-235-6444 or
North DeKalb Mall is owned and managed by Hendon Properties LLC