Cynicism-free vision of what a road can become, via In Transit @ Kickstarter. |
"The life of a city does rest and always has rested on the success of its principal streets."
These are some of ideas raised by In Transit, a Kickstarter documentary that explores the "changed ... definition of a street--from a place where people gathered to meet and conduct business, to a means to get a car from one place to another."
But the cool thing is you don't have to live vicariously through urban planners in other cities. Street reinvention and revitalization is happening right in our very neighborhood. Learn more about the Medline LCI study and join the discussion live [Thursday, February 27th, 6:30—8:00 PM @ North Decatur Presbyterian Church (Sanctuary), 611 Medlock Road, Decatur, GA 30033] or online [learn more about this study and leave feedback].
How do you envision our area, what would you like to see? Please share your thoughts.
And see you on February 27 for a little... terraforming!