UPDATE: 2011 "registrations" are now closed. See you at the yard sale!
Save the date - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, from 9AM - 3 PM.
We are gearing up for our second annual Medlock Area Yard Sale. Last year we had a very successful sale with about 17 families participating. This year we are partnering with Clairmont Heights to offer an even bigger sale area which should attract even more shoppers.
Proceeds are yours to keep or you can donate them to MANA or CHCA if you would like.
MANA: will do the advertising (for example, websites such as MANA and CHCA, eNews letters for the neighborhoods, Facebook, Craigslist, Decatur blogs, print media such as the Atlanta Journal Constitution and Decatur Dispatch and the AJC on-line), put out signs around the neighborhood advertising the sale, design and distribute maps for all participating homes, and put balloons at every particpating location so they are easy to find.
You: just sign up, set up your items, make some money, have some fun!
There is a small $10 participation fee per household/location to help cover costs (advertising, printing, maps, balloons, etc.).
Don't have a lot to sell, but would like to participate? Team up with a neighbor or neighbors at one location and split the participation fee.
In addition this year, we will offer another option: instead of having your sale items at your home: a "car trunk sale":
Put your items in your car or truck, and park in the on-street spaces at Medlock School on October 1st. The fee for this is $5 per vehicle.
Questions? Please contact either Deb Elkin (elkin_d@bellsouth.net, 404-320-6063), Bev Monroe (bevmonroe@juno.com, 404-321-9683) or Kris Kane (kriskane@mindspring.com, 770-715-9496).
If you would like to participate in the yard sale, please fill out the form below and mail it to:
Bev Monroe, 928 Schoel Drive, Decatur, Ga. 30033, with a check made out to MANA.
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MANA/CHCA Neighborhood Yard Sale Sign-up Form - MANA Residents
Name: _________________________ Address: ________________________________________
Phone: _________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________
Mail a check for $10/home or $5/car trunk, made out to "MANA" to
Bev Monroe, 928 Schoel Drive, Decatur, GA 30033
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