Note that they are seeking public comment at the meetings below:
"8.8 miles of light rail double track (includes tunnels and elevated sections) 10 light rail station platforms
Lindbergh Center (Transfer to Red or Gold Lines) Cheshire Bridge Sage Hill CDC/Emory Point Emory-Rollins Emory-Clairmont North Decatur Suburban Plaza DeKalb Medical Center Avondale Station (transfer to Blue Line) 3 additional optional stations for consideration
Piedmont (Transfer to BeltLine) DeKalb Industrial North Arcadia (old DeVry campus) 2 Maintenance and/or storage facilities"
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
MARTA @ Suburban Plaza?
Per MARTA's website, this Clifton Corridor plan is "pending approval" from the MARTA Board of Directors: