Selig Enterprises has forwarded an update on its
Suburban Plaza redevelopment project. In addition to restating Selig's commitments to the community, the letter includes this redevelopment timeline:
demolition of parts of existing structures: in the coming weeks (summer 2014)
facade renovations: fall 2014
anticipated redevelopment completion: summer 2015
new tenants open for business: fall 2015
Selig and the Medlock Area Neighborhood Association (MANA) began discussing Suburban Plaza's redevelopment as soon as plans were announced in the summer of 2011, and in collaboration with members of the Cross-Neighborhood Committee,
reached and signed this agreement on December, 2011.
Selig also seeks community feedback on a special land use permit (SLUP) to allow a drive-through Starbucks at Suburban Plaza. The announcement for that June 24, 2014 meeting is available