from the BOC Agenda Summary from June 24, 2014Also, several MANA members are communicating with the County and trying to secure shade sails for the kiddie pool area, which currently is fully exposed to the sun and gets unpleasantly warm as a result.
LB2. DeKalb County Toddler Pools ADA Conversion Project: Invitation No. 13-100387 for use by the Public Works Department, Engineering Services Division. Amount Not to Exceed: $534,275.50 (Accepted to the Regular BOC Meeting Agenda; Assigned to the Finance, Audit & Budget Committee – recommended approval) - APPROVED
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Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Splash pool conversion for DeKalb kiddie pools
Theresa Same (MANA Zoning Chair) alerts us to DeKalb's project to make toddler pools ADA-compliant, including conversions to splash pools. Our Medlock kiddie pool should be part of this project.