Sunday, July 13, 2014

Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness

from v. 32, Medlock Matters

The Lifelong Communities Committee is starting to coordinate efforts toward improving emergency preparedness within the Medlock and Clairmont Heights neighborhoods. To start this process, we are asking for your help in assembling a neighborhood inventory to find out how many of our neighbors might need extra help in a disaster, and which neighbors have special skills or training that might be helpful during an emergency. It will also help us keep you involved in continued neighborhood  preparedness activities.

Your participation in this inventory is completely optional. All responses will help us have a central database of the needs in our neighborhood and the resources and people that may be  available to help. The results will also help us focus our plans toward education and outreach within the neighborhood in advance of an emergency. Your responses will be available for use only by MANA and the Lifelong Communities Committee as needed.

Your responses can be entered online at:

For a paper copy, please contact Kathryn Firago at kfirago at gmail