Big Lots, Hancock's Fabrics, Uniform Alternative and other businesses
remain open at SuburbanPlaza. |
Suburban Plaza's redevelopment continues. The initial razing to prepare the site where Walmart will be built has been pretty tidy so far. A security fence surrounds the work area and demolition has proceeded up to the location of the old Piccadilly's. This is as far as Walmart-related demolition goes. This week, crews were dismantling parking lot lights and spreading wood mulch to limit the
erosion of exposed topsoil.
View from the old Piccadilly's and a whole lotta mulch, facing the Medlock / North Decatur / Scott Blvd intersection. |
Sweeping view from the North Decatur Road side. |
As to how this fits into the overall plan, here's The Plan. See all other Suburban Plaza posts
Blue dots outline structures now demolished; yellow marks Walmart's future footprint. |