As many of you know, the Druid Hills neighborhood has been considering annexation into the City of Atlanta. MANA representatives have been talking with some of the people involved and will continue to follow these issues closely to ensure that our voices are heard and our questions are answered; we will be meeting with representatives of neighborhood associations in interested/involved areas and some representatives of the City of Atlanta this week. We’re urging you to send to any questions you have to by Thursday morning [Aug 21]. We can’t guarantee answers, but we’ll try to present as many questions as we can.
Many unanswered questions remain in the Druid Hills annexation possibility: taxes, services, schools, governmental representation, and, most important, whether or not we want to, or can, become a part of such a movement. Unfortunately, the political maneuverings within DeKalb County probably will not permit us to sit comfortably in our quiet neighborhood; we will be affected by outside forces if we are not aware of all the possibilities.
At this point we simply do not know enough to recommend or oppose any annexation proposal; the important point is to learn as much as possible so that we can make educated decisions. MANA is working hard to ensure that our neighborhood has the best information available and is aware of all the options available to us. We do not know whether this line of investigation will lead to anything significant, but we will continue to report to you and ask for your questions. As we gather enough verifiable information, we’ll let you know and, as necessary, hold meetings to discuss these issues.
We will be surveying the MANA membership—and perhaps others in the neighborhood if logistics permit-- in a few weeks to get your ideas and responses to these issues.
1) See the complete Druid Hills statement at
2) Also see our post last week for additional information